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VIETCONG a first person shooter game in which you are lucky enough to get some slight knoledge of the vietnam war the game however is extremely difficult as you have the same mortality rate as any human ex. a bullet fired 200 meters away from behind a bush can kill you so dont run in like an idiot and get your self killed finishing this game is fun but futile for none but the best gamers so using the cheats is advisable


  • While playing, press [~] to bring up the console, then type any of the following codes:

    Code - Result:

    GIFTFROMPTERODON - Enable Cheat Mode
    CHTHEAL - Restore Health
    CHTHEALTEAM - Restore Health for Team
    CHTWEAP # - Get Weapon # (0-30)
    CHTAMMO - Refill Ammo
    CHTGRENADES - Get Grenades
    CHTALLQF - Access Quickfights
    CHT3PV (0/1) - 3rd Person View
    SHOWFPS (0/1) - Show FPS
    SHOWPROF (0/1) - Show Stats
    CHTCANNIBALS - Vietcong Wear Masks
    CHTKOSTEJ - Enemies Can't Hurt You

  • There is also a expansion pack for VIETCONG it is called vietcong first alpha This pack is included in VIETCONG Purple Haze along with the original so just get the second one it costs more but is better gaming

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      Edit a custom page for your Web site: This is the ideal place to design your own custom page, filled with whatever you can imagine from products, pictures, fan clubs, links or just more information.

    Your custom image
      Edit a custom page for your Web site: This is the ideal place to design your own custom page, filled with whatever you can imagine from products, pictures, fan clubs, links or just more information.

    Your custom image