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MIdtown Madness Cheats


Midtown Madness Cheats
Platform: PC

Midtown Madness Player Name Codes
To use these codes, start a new game and enter one of the names below. Please note that many of these codes will prevent you from earning a high score.FOR OBVIOUS REASONS

  • Showme Cops -- Displays all Police Units on the HUD map. No score.
  • Big Bus Party -- All traffic vehicles are city busses. No score.
  • Tiny Car -- All traffic vehicles are compact cars. No score.
  • amizdA eoJ -- All traffic vehicles drive around backwards.
  • Jet Planes -- All traffic vehicles are Air Planes. No score.
  • Warp Eleven -- All AI is 10x faster. No score.

Midtown Madness Special Vehicles
To access these vehicles, enter the name shown below then choose the vehicle indicated. To use these codes in multiplayer mode, enter the name shown as your multiplayer nickname.
  • Generic Car -- Enter your name as "vasedans" and choose the Cadilac.
  • Van -- Enter your name as "vavan" and choose the Ford F350.
  • Diesel Truck -- Enter your name as "vadiesels" and choose the the city bus.
  • Compact Car -- Enter your name as "vacompact" and choose the VW Bug.
  • Pickup Truck -- Enter your name as "vapickup" and choose the Ford F350.
  • Alternate Bus -- Enter your name as "vabus" and choose the city bus.
  • Delivery Truck -- Enter your name as "vadelivery" and choose the Ford F350.
  • Random Limo -- Enter your name as "valimo" and choose the Mustang GT.
  • Black Limo -- Enter your name as "valimoblack" and choose the Mustang GT.
  • White Limo -- Enter your name as "valimoangel" and choose the Mustang GT.
  • Yellow Cab -- Enter your name as "vataxi" and choose the Cadilac.
  • Green Cab -- Enter your name as "vataxicheck" and choose the Cadilac.

Midtown Madness Inviso-car
Go to the farthest away view, and push (d), this will pu the view inside the car. Once you have done this push: w, v, v, w, w. If you have done this correctly then you should see only the shadow of the car.

Midtown Madness Command Line Codes
To enter these codes, press CTRL-ALT-SHIFT-F7 while playing a single-player game. Enter the desired code in the entry box that appears. (If it doesn't appear, repeat the sequence until it does.)

  • /nodamage - Self Explanatory - *NO SCORE*
  • /damage - turns damage back on
  • /dizzy - Spinning sky
  • /fuzz - toggles cop radar (shows all cops on hudmap) - *NO SCORE*
  • /bridge - bridge very quickly - *NO SCORE*
  • /ufo - replace the plane with a UFO
  • /swap - swap the el train with a string of 737s
  • /slide - Ambient cars have no friction *NO SCORE*
  • /puck - player experiences no friction *NO SCORE*
  • /grav - half gravity (have to exit to main ui & enter again) *NO SCORE*
  • /postal - horn fires mailboxes *NO SCORE*
  • /talkfast - commentary plays fast
  • /talkslow - commentary plays slow
  • /big - big people
  • /tiny - tiny people (Danazer's personal favorite)
  • /nosmoke - turn wheel / damage smoke off
  • /smoke - turn wheel / damage smoke on

Midtown Madness Easy Checkpoint Races
Select the City Bus and go to a spot where all the AI cars will eventually drive through. Simply wait for them to crash into your bus and they will be destroyed. Then finish the race as best you can.